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2021년 2Q에 읽은 책 제목 - 지은이 수학의 쓸모 - 닉 폴슨 데일리 카네기 자기 관리론 - 데일 카네기 지금 팔리는 것들의 비밀 - 최명화 하드씽 - 벤 호로위치 피터틸 - 토마스 라폴트 제로 투 원 - 피터틸 생각이 너무 많은 서른 - 김은주 2021. 8. 5.
Requirements Analysis Requirements Modeling Requirements analysis through requirements models Requirements prioritization Requirements selection RE uses requirements models to understand the requirements well. Requirements modelling can dguide elicitation, provide a measure of progress, help to uncover problems, help us check out understanding Structured Analysis A set of techniques and graphical tools : allowing the.. 2021. 8. 5.
Requirements Engineering Table of contents REquirements Engineering Feasibility study Requirements Elicitation Requirements Negotiation Requirements Analysis Requirements Specification Use case Analysis Quality Attributes Requirements Validation Requirements Change Management Requirements Engineering Requirements Engineering is a set of activities concerned with identifying and communicating the purpose of a software-in.. 2021. 8. 5.
Architecture - product Structural design System definition Functional specification Establishing the domain model Create quality scenarios Selection of quality requirements Candidate structural design Final structural design Structure specification Module specification 2021. 8. 5.
base.ahk cTime = %A_Hour%%A_Min% checkPyResult() { ; py result copy and check ;FileRead, pyResult, C:\\Users\\saesa\\PycharmProjects\\excel\\result.txt FileRead, pyResult, result.txt Sleep, 300 ;MsgBox, %pyResult% if(pyResult = "NOPE") { ;MsgBox, Bye return } else{ ;MsgBox, Hi ;buyStock(pyResult) } } clickKnoxScreen() { while(1){ WinActivate, ahk_exe CDViewer.exe sleep, 150 MouseClick, left, 826, 16 slee.. 2021. 8. 4.
Arcitecture - Decision Architectural Decision Architectural decisions are design decisions that address architecturally significant requirements; they are perceived as hard to make and/or costly to change. Architecturally significant requirements(ARSs) are those requirements that have a measureable effect on a software system's architecture. It is necessary to manage the relationship between quality requirements and s.. 2021. 8. 3.
Associate Architect - View Concept of structural design Role of Architect What it's composed of and how they work -> Make SW imaginable and easier to develop The software architecture of a system is the set of structures needed to reason about the system, which comprise software elements, relations among them, and properties of both. 5 View types Module view Modules, which are implementation units of software. Is part of,.. 2021. 8. 3.
얄팍한 코딩 사전 - 객체지향 디자인패턴1 2021. 8. 1.
점프투 자바 목차 목차 변수 주석 자료형(숫자, 부울, 문자, 문자열, 스트링버퍼, 배열, 리스트, 제네릭스, 맵) 제어문(if, swtich/case, while, for, for each) 객체지향 프로그래밍(클래스, 메소드, 콜바이레퍼런스, 상속, 생성자, 인터페이승, 다형성, 추상클래스) 입출력(*콘솔, 파일) 패키지 접근제어자 정적 변수와 메소드 예외처리 쓰레드 https://wikidocs.net/book/31 2021. 8. 1.