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Computer Science304

Architecture - product Structural design System definition Functional specification Establishing the domain model Create quality scenarios Selection of quality requirements Candidate structural design Final structural design Structure specification Module specification 2021. 8. 5.
Arcitecture - Decision Architectural Decision Architectural decisions are design decisions that address architecturally significant requirements; they are perceived as hard to make and/or costly to change. Architecturally significant requirements(ARSs) are those requirements that have a measureable effect on a software system's architecture. It is necessary to manage the relationship between quality requirements and s.. 2021. 8. 3.
Associate Architect - View Concept of structural design Role of Architect What it's composed of and how they work -> Make SW imaginable and easier to develop The software architecture of a system is the set of structures needed to reason about the system, which comprise software elements, relations among them, and properties of both. 5 View types Module view Modules, which are implementation units of software. Is part of,.. 2021. 8. 3.
얄팍한 코딩 사전 - 객체지향 디자인패턴1 2021. 8. 1.
점프투 자바 목차 목차 변수 주석 자료형(숫자, 부울, 문자, 문자열, 스트링버퍼, 배열, 리스트, 제네릭스, 맵) 제어문(if, swtich/case, while, for, for each) 객체지향 프로그래밍(클래스, 메소드, 콜바이레퍼런스, 상속, 생성자, 인터페이승, 다형성, 추상클래스) 입출력(*콘솔, 파일) 패키지 접근제어자 정적 변수와 메소드 예외처리 쓰레드 https://wikidocs.net/book/31 2021. 8. 1.
Prototype Pattern Purpose Create objects based upon a template of an existing objects through cloning. Use When Composition, creation, and representation of objects should be decoupled from a system. Classes to be created are specified at runtime. Objects or object structures are required that are identical or closely resemble other existing objects or object structures. The initial creation of each object is an .. 2021. 7. 30.
Chain-of-Responsibility Pattern Purpose Gives more than one object an opportunity to handle a request by linking receiving objects together. Use When Multiple objects may handle a request and the handler doesn't have to be a specific objects. A set of objects should be able to handle a request with the handler determined at runtime. A request not being handled is an acceptable potential outcome. 2021. 7. 30.
Proxy Pattern Purpose Allows for object level access contro lby acting as a pass through entity or a placeholder object. Use when Access contorl for the original object is required. Added functionality is required when an object is accessed. Proxy Pattern Proxy pattern provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to contorl access to it. The Roles of Helper Objects Request From Client to Server - Cl.. 2021. 7. 30.
Design Pattern Study Overall Architecture 패턴 적용 및 코딩 조별 실습 OOAD 과정에서 설계한 Digital Watch에 대해 설계패턴 5자리를 적용하시오 (a) 기존 설계안에 필요한 경우 2개 이하 적용 (b) 확장된 Requirement를 고안하고 해당 확장을 위해 필요한 패턴을 3개 이상 적용하시오. (c) Step(a)와 (b)에 적용한 패턴의 개수가 5개 이상 이어야 함. (d) 적용된 패턴의 설명을 위해 클래스 다이어그램, 시퀀스 다이어그램, 스테이트 차트 등을 이용하시오. (효과적인 UML 다이어그램 사용) (e) 중요 : 각 패턴의 적용에는 합당한 근거가 제시되어야 함. 특히 어떠한 변화가 예상되기 때문에 그러한 설계가 적합하다고 생각하는지 설명이 포함되어야 함. Holub Database .. 2021. 7. 29.