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Computer Science

Architecture design

by OKOK 2021. 8. 10.

Architecture Definition

  • The structure of structure of a system that expresses the components of a software system and their relationships to achieve externally visibile caracterstics of the software system.


What it meas to design an architecture

  • The logical development process of how the system can organize and solve the problem to be solved.
  • The set of design tactics and decisions about how to address critical quality attributes, architectural drivers, is called architectureal tatics.
  • What corresponds to a stimulus can be seen as a quality attribute, and a response can be regarded as a state realized by achieving the qaulity attribute. transforming a stimulus into a response is an architectural tatic.


Architecture Tatics

  • Describe the reasons for adopting the architecture or not adopting it.
  • It expresses the various characteristics of a system, and considers the relationships and conflicsts between the various characteristics.
  • Since requirements are always subject to change, consideration should be given to requirements change.

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