Quality Attributes
- Measurable or testable properties of a system
Used to indicate how well the system satisfies the needs of its stakeholders
Emergent properties : not a measure of software in isolation
Quality Attributes : Taxonomies
- ilities
understandability, usability, modifiability, interoperability, reliability, portability, maintainability, scalability, sonfigurability, customizability, adaptability, cariability, volatility, traceability - ities
security, simplicity, claity, ubiquity, integrity, modularity - ness
user-friendliness, robustness, timeliness, responsiveness, correctness, completeness, conciseness, cohesiveness - others
performance, efficiency, accuracy, precision, cost, development time, low coupling

Qaulity Attribute Scenarios
- QAS is an effective way of identifying and specifying quality-attribute-specific requirements.
- Specific to the particular system under considerations
- Instantiated from the attirubte characterizations of general scenarios
- A QAS Example for Availability : An unanticipated external message is recevied by a process during normal operation. The process informs the operator of the receipt of the message and continues to operated with no downtime.

- Techniques that architects have been using for years to manage quality attribute response goals.
Design decisions that influence the control of a quality attribute response
QAS example
- Raw Scenario : In the event of hardware failure, search service is expected to return results during normal working hours for US services representatives.

- Refined Scenario : in the event of hardware failure, search service is expected to return results within 5 sec, in 12 average QPS.
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