Table of contents
- REquirements Engineering
- Feasibility study
- Requirements Elicitation
- Requirements Negotiation
- Requirements Analysis
- Requirements Specification
- Use case Analysis
- Quality Attributes
- Requirements Validation
- Requirements Change Management
Requirements Engineering
- Requirements Engineering is a set of activities concerned with identifying and communicating the purpose of a software-intensive system, and the contexts in which it will be used. Hence, RE acts as the brdge between the real world needs of users, customers, and other constituencies affected by a software system, and the capabilities and opportunities afforded by software-intensive technologies
- Requirements engineering is the process of establishing sytem services that the customer requires from a system and constraints unde rwhich it operates and is developed.
- Requirements are descriptions of the system services and constraints, generated from the RE processes.
- System services -> Functional requirements
- Constaints -> Non-functional requirements
Phased Lifecycle Models
Agile Models and RUP
- Basic Philosophy of Agile
Individual over processes and tools
Working software over documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Feasibility Study
- Decides whether or not the proposed system is worth to develop
Requirements Elicitation and Analysis
- Called also requirements discovery to find out application domain, services that the system should provide, system's operational constraints
Requirements Sepcification
- Write elicited, analyzed, negotiated, prioritized and selected requirements into documents according to the IEEE 830-1998 Standard
Requirements Validation
- Demonstrate whether the requirements we defined are what the customer really wants.
Requirements Change Management
- The process of managing requirements change during the RE process and the overall system development.
- Traceability is the heart of requirements managements.
Requirements Engineering Process
Feasibility Study
- To find out if a system development project can be done.
Requirements Elicitation
- There sould be a problem that needs solving.
- Vague problem stated by the customer.
- Identify all the people who must be consulted during information acquisition.
Things to Rememver When Eliciting Requirements
- Don't Lose Sight of the Goal
- Think Who's Smart
- A Single Statkeholder Can't Sepak for All
- Use Appropriate Elicitation Methods
- Accept Requirements Changes
Manage Elicited Requirements
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