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Computer Science

Object-Oriented Analysis Design (1)

by OKOK 2021. 7. 26.

Software Development 이 무엇인가

- Software Development = Solving Problem with Software in Computer

- Software Development 에는 Procedural Programing과 Object-Oriented Programming이 있습니다.


Software Process Model

- Software process models : Defining Who is doing What, When to do it, How to reach a certain goal. 

- Waterfaill Model, Iterative Model 이 있는데 개발방법론과는 orthgonal 관계입니다.


Procedural Programming

- A program is organized with procedures.

- Procedure는 Function이랑 같은 말입니다.


Object-Oriented Programming

- A program is organized with objects.

- Providing system functionalities through object communications.


Object-Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD)

- OOAD : Identifying your requirements and creating a domain model, and then add methods to the appropriate classes, and define the messaging between the objects in order to fulfill the requirements.

- Various development process models are available(waterfall, up-iterative)


OOA- Domain Model

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