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SL4A(Scripting Layer for Android) (2)

by OKOK 2021. 6. 23.

SL4A has three main components. They are as follows 

- Script interpreters, Android RPC Client, Facades 


Script Interpreters : SL4A can be extended by incorporating new scripting languages dynamically by developing a new SL4A interpreter for that scripting language. 

The client establishes a Remote Procedure Call(RPC) connection to SL4A, and allows scripts to interact with the Android Framework. Data is sent as JSON payloads.

The client modules can be obtained form the SL4A website.


Python Library

Built-in Functions and Excepitons - python imports both these modules when it starts up and makes their content available for all programs. The built-in module defines built-in functions like len, int, range, while the exceptions module defines all built-in exceptions.


Development Environment
